In the vacuum left by Brexit, our law firm has embarked on assisting British citizens seeking to relocate to Portugal to apply for a residence visa from the UK.
Our years of practice put us in a unique position to provide a personalised legal service, thoroughly analysing your case and providing expert advice to strategically plan the most suitable pathway for you.
Portugal offers a wide range of residency visas. Digital Nomad (DN) and Own Revenue (D7) visas emerging as particularly popular among British immigrants.
Entrust us to manage all the bureaucratic aspects will ease your worries and save you countless hours of searching for uncertain answers on the internet.
Digital Nomad Visa (D8)
The main requirement for this visa is that you have proof of an average income of at least four Portuguese minimum wages over the last three months.
You must pay attention to the nature of the income, it has to be active, in other words, it has to be earned as salary, payments for services, short term rentals, etc.
The main requirement for this visa is that you have proof of passive income from a constant and stable source and of a bank account in Portugal containing at least the equivalent of 12 minimum wages.
You must pay attention to the nature of the income, it has to be passive, in other words, it cannot be earned by work, for exemple, dividends, profits, pensions, long-term rentals, etc.