Zottis, Rezende Advogados


If you are looking for an activity to invest in Portugal, there is an opportunity to get a golden visa for you and your family. It’s a different kind of residence permission that is provided under article 3.º, n.º 1, al. d), and article 90-A on Law 23/2007.

The beneficiaries of ARI / Golden Visa have the right to: 1) residence visa waiver for entering Portugal and to travelling within the Schengen area. 2) Living and working in Portugal, on condition that they stay in Portugal for a period of 7 or more days, in the first year, and 14 or more days, in the subsequent years. 3) Family reunification, then your family will be benefit with you. Moreover, after five years you could be able to apply for permanent residence and also to apply for Portuguese citizenship, by naturalization.

The legal prevision about which we will write below refers to when the investor intents to purchase a real estate property with a valued at or above 500 thousand euros.

For this, the investor must prove the propriety of the real estate or have a pre-contract agreement in which the amount equal to or above 500 thousand euros has been already paid. Besides, in conjunction with this pre-contract will be necessary a declaration of a credit institution authorized or registered in the national territory within Bank of Portugal attesting the effective international transfer. But be careful with the conditions of the real estate because it cannot have any restrictions on the property’s registration.

The investor must keep the investment for five years and when that time has passed, the visa can be renewed for more five years, with proof that the investment has been maintained.

However, for now the investments in properties which are intended as dwellings are allowed in all the country, but in the beginning of the next year this rule is going to change, since such investments are going to be restricted to places outside Lisbon and Porto.

Legal Source: Lei 23/2007, de 4 de Julho; Dec. Reglm. n.º 84/2007, de 05 de Novembro; Manual de Procedimentos relativo à Autorização de Residência para Investimento (ARI) do SEF; Portaria n.º 208/2017, de 13 de julho.

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